The Latest Research and Perception of the Benefits of CBD Oil


CBD oil has recently made its way into the media and had its fair share of criticisms. Despite many claims that CBD oil can help reduce pain and ease mental health issues such as anxiety, it still has its doubters.

However, what does the science actually say? Read on to discover the latest research behind CBD oil and find out what people really think of its use. 

There’s no indication CBD oil is addictive

CBD or cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent active ingredient in marijuana, derived directly from the hemp plant. However, while CBD is a component of marijuana, there is evidence to suggest that, by itself, it does not cause a “high”. 

The Harvard Health blog reported findings from the World Health Organisation who stated that CBD exhibits no effects that indicate abuse or dependence of the substance. They also reported that there is no evidence of public health problems associated with using pure CBD, declaring it safe for use.

It’s seen as a popular natural remedy

There are many people who champion the use of CBD as a natural remedy for many common ailments. Marijuana has been used throughout history to relieve pain, and today CBD oil is used by some to treat chronic pain such as arthritis. 

CBD oil is also being used as a natural alternative to treat depression and anxiety. For some, antidepressant medication can result in terrible side effects and even cause addiction in some cases. However, CBD can be used to regulate serotonin in the brain, and since there’s no evidence to suggest it causes addiction, it can be seen as a great alternative. 

CBD is legal

In the UK, CBD products are legal and have been sold for years. If you want to purchase CBD products however, it’s important you use a trusted supplier to ensure you know what exactly you are buying and that it is safe. 

A trusted supplier for CBD products is VSAVI, who provide high quality CBD products as well as information and updates about CBD. Before purchasing CBD, it’s important to do your research and make sure it’s the right product for you, as well as make sure you can use it. 

Is CBD mainstream?

Despite its critics, CBD oils are sold in mainstream health shops and CBD is becoming a popular ingredient for beauty brands. For example, a number of beauty brand now sell CBD-based creams. 

This is a result of its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have also shown that CBD oil can help with irritation, anti-aging and reduce redness making it a perfect ingredient for skincare products. 

And finally, the CBD industry doesn’t end there. The ingredient is also making its way into food and drink products, such as beers, supplements and vegan snacks. There are even CBD dog treats available! The CBD trend is booming, and this will only grow with more research into the effects it has as well as its uses. 

Apri K

My Name is Apri K. I am working as Editor for and I am a blogger and love writing about technology, health, sports, and travel. You can read her latest write-ups on her personal blog <a href=""></a>.