Running a GP Surgery: Things to Consider

GP Surgery

What makes a good GP surgery? This is a question that has been posed many times and, according to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), there are 5 key points to consider when answering the question of whether surgery is good. In the interest of helping you to ensure your practice is as good as it could be, each point is discussed briefly below.

1. Is Your Practice Safe?

For your practice to be considered safe by CQC, there must always be enough staff on hand with the skills, experience, and knowledge between them that is required to run a practice effectively. Additionally, your practice should be on the lookout for any deterioration inpatient health and be honest and clear with both patients and other members of staff. Finally, your practice should have plans in place for any potential emergencies and keep accurate and up-to-date records of all their patients’ personal information.

2. Is Your Practice Caring?

It is important that you treat patients compassionately and respectfully so that they can be comfortable in your practice. This should include taking the time to properly explain your patients’ conditions to them in a way that they understand and that you involve them in decisions made about their care and treatment.

In this way, you should be able to build an effective and mutually beneficial rapport with your patient, which is vital to good communication and trust between patients and medical professionals.

3. Is Your Practice Effective?

The doctors and other staff working within your practice should be able to understand and access information necessary to the care of their patients and be sufficiently qualified to treat or refer your patients for any issues they might have. Further, your staff should work together effectively and regularly evaluate their own performances in order to isolate areas that need improvement. Your practice should keep well-stocked on gp surgery supplies and anything else they may require to operate effectively, including beneficial technology.

4. Is Your Practice Responsive to Your Patient’s Needs?

Your practice should be cognizant of the various needs of your patients and must constantly strive to offer the best care to as many of your patients as is possible. This includes taking into account and being respectful of factors such as age, disability, sex, gender identity, race, religion, and sexuality of your patients. As well as making the facilities of your practice easy to access and opening lines of communications between the practice and patients so that complaints can be filed when necessary.

5. Is Your Practice Well-Led?

As the leader of the practice, you need to ensure that providing safe and high-quality care to all of your patients is at the forefront of every decision you make regarding your practice. Additionally, you need to ensure that you are clear and open about the performance of your practice and keep communication channels open so you can actively respond to feedback to improve the operation of your facilities.

If you manage to keep all of these key points in mind and strive for excellence in your GP practice, then there is no doubt that you are running an excellent facility.

Apri K

My Name is Apri K. I am working as Editor for and I am a blogger and love writing about technology, health, sports, and travel. You can read her latest write-ups on her personal blog <a href=""></a>.