Decorating A Student Room – How To Arrange Your Space?

Student Room

For many people, university time is a turning point. This is when you often live away from your family home for the first time, and sometimes you even go far away from where you used to live. This is why it is so important that the new flat, where you will now be spending a lot of time, is properly furnished and prepared for this phase of your life.

Study area, in other words, where to place the desk?

You’ll have a lot of studying and important exams to do, but you’ll also meet a lot of new people and have some amazing times. For this reason, the ideal room for a student must allow for both effective study and relaxation. The room should not be cluttered with furniture. A bed, a chest of drawers, a small wardrobe and a desk with a chair are the basic furnishings.

A key issue is the choice and positioning of the desk. University is a time of intense learning, so a place to study is the most important thing to take care of. The desk can be placed near a window, as access to natural light is beneficial to the human body. However, students often study late in the evening, so if you prefer to put your desk elsewhere, that’s fine too. It’s important to feel comfortable, many people don’t like sitting at their desk with their back to the door.

The desk itself should be the right height so that you don’t hunch over when sitting. The adjustable desk is also an interesting solution, even allowing it to be used in a standing position. Also pay attention to the size of the tabletop. Fitting all your books and notes into too small a space can be inconvenient and hinder effective learning. Another important thing is the right desk chair. A swivel chair with armrests and a well-shaped backrest is the best choice. Sitting in the correct position will not cause back pain! And let’s not forget the desk lamp.

Rest and relaxation zone 

After studying and a full day at university, a moment to breathe is also useful. Studying is very important, but rest and recuperation is also an important issue and should not be neglected. Every student should find a moment just for themselves, when they can rest, so that they have the strength to go on and study.

Where is the best place to rest? On a comfortable bed, of course! On average, a person should get 6-7 hours of sleep per night to rest and recover from the previous day. So don’t neglect your nightly relaxation, especially during the exam session! A comfortable armchair is also a good place to relax. In addition, trinkets and extras to help you relax are important, e.g. book lovers should take a few favourite titles with them. If you have a hobby, it’s worth taking your favourite little things with you so that even far from home you can still pursue your interests.

Good room lighting is a must! 

Apart from the desk lamp, it’s also worth thinking about lighting the whole room. An interior in which a lot of time is spent studying must be suitably bright, and the light itself must not increase fatigue. In addition to the above-mentioned lamp, it is worth getting another one to place on the bedside table. After many hours of studying, we often don’t have the strength to sit at our desks anymore and then we can easily move to the bed with our notes. When it comes to overhead lighting, first of all make sure that the light sources used are strong enough (the room must be bright!). The tone of the light is also important. It is best to aim for neutral sources that most closely resemble natural light, so they cause the least eye strain. 

Accessories, decorations and aids in the student’s room

When furnishing a room for a student, not only purely practical matters are important. It is very important to feel comfortable and at home in your new place. If possible, it is a good idea to decorate the room as much as possible in your own way. Even a simple change of wall colour can make a new place feel more like our own. When choosing the right colours, it is best to go for neutral tones and light colours. After all, this room will be used primarily for studying, so the environment should not be too distracting. 

To bring a bit more of yourself to your new place, hang posters of films or concerts on the walls, bring along a potted plant or get a corkboard to stick up with photos of friends and family, interesting graphics or motivational slogans. If we are planning to go to some extra classes, it is worth thinking about where we will keep various teaching aids and even more textbooks. Depending on your field of study, you may need handy shelves for maps, globes or sets of practical items, for example, which should have their own fixed place so that they are easy to reach at any time. The most important thing is that the student’s room is a combination of a cosy place to relax and a space to study and work. 

Student dormitory room – choose the best!

Searching for the right room and then furnishing and adapting it to your needs can take a lot of time. This is particularly difficult when you go to study in another city or even another country. If this is the case, it’s worth making the move to a new place easier! BaseCamp dormitories in Łódź offer fully furnished rooms to a high standard, which you can view and book online or view live and then decide to rent.

Every student living at BaseCamp is guaranteed high-speed wireless internet, and the rooms themselves are already properly furnished and ready to move into. BaseCamp is not just a dormitory, but a whole community. Living in such a campus allows you to meet many new people and take part in interesting events organised for students. No one is left on their own in the event of any problems. You can always report to one of the BaseCamp assistants if something bothers you or you have a problem with your room.


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