5 Ways You Can Make Your Home More Vintage

Home More Vintage

Research has suggested that the environment we live in can have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing. Living in a messy or cluttered environment can lead to you feeling irritable or low. Therefore our homes need to be both appealing and comfortable. This is why many people are choosing to re-decorate and re-organise their homes. Nowadays, there are lots of different styles of décor you can choose to decorate your home with. 

One décor style that has always been popular is vintage. In fact, the vintage style has never been so popular. Rustic charm, old school glamour, and nostalgia aplenty; vintage décor can make any property look more glamorous and unique. But, making your home look vintage can be really tricky, so we’ve come up with some tips to help you achieve this.

  • Add Vintage FurnitureIf you want to add some distinctive vintage character to your property, then there’s no better way of achieving this than purchasing some vintage furniture. Thankfully, to get the vintage style, you don’t need to purchase lots of items. One decent piece of furniture or a high-quality antique fireplace like those found on sites like stonewoods.co.uk will automatically make any home have the vintage look you’re after. 
  • Add Vintage Décor Items

If you’re worried that you won’t achieve the vintage look you are after by purchasing just one piece of vintage furniture, then why not consider purchasing some vintage décor items to enhance the look? You don’t need to purchase actual antique pieces; you could simply purchase some lookalike cheaper alternatives. 

For the ultimate vintage look, why not consider hanging some plates on your wall alongside some vintage style photograph frames? You could even purchase some embroidered doilies and throws to cover other pieces of furniture that don’t match the style. 

  • The Colour Scheme

When it comes to achieving the ultimate vintage look in your property, painting your home with an old colour palette will really help. 

  • Change the Exterior

Okay, so this one might cost you a little bit more money, but if you want the exterior of your property to have a vintage vibe, then why not consider changing your windows and doors for wooden alternatives? Wooden windows and doors will automatically make any house look more vintage. 

  • The Finishing Touches

If your home still doesn’t look the way you want it, don’t despair; there are a few more things you could try. Try replacing your modern door handles with glass or wooden door knobs, adding some period-appropriate mouldings, and changing your doors for the solid wood variety. If you want to give your home the wow factor, then you could even consider purchasing replicas of old appliances, fixtures and fittings like cookers and bathtubs.

Lots of us like the idea of re-decorating our homes in a more vintage style. Vintage décor is classy, glamorous, and it looks amazing. Follow some of our top tips above to achieve the results you’re after and get the home of your dreams. 

Apri K

My Name is Apri K. I am working as Editor for Megri.co.uk and Megri.com. I am a blogger and love writing about technology, health, sports, and travel. You can read her latest write-ups on her personal blog <a href="https://www.aprajitakohli.com">https://www.aprajitakohli.com</a>.